Article updated April 15, 2020 by Dave Read
With the announcement yesterday that Shakespeare and Company have postponed the plays that had been scheduled for the 2020 season until next year, one wonders why the Boston Symphony Orchestra is dragging its feet on making the inevitable call? Perhaps Mark Volpe, CEO of the BSO, is simply hoping beyond hope that he’ll have one more season running the show here in the halcyon hills before his retirement takes effect next February?
Who could blame him? Or, maybe it is political, as with all things today as the American Dream vaporizes before our eyes? We know Trump has Boston’s most popular cultural institution, Tom Brady, in his pocket, and we know that former MA governor Joseph Volpe was a died-in-the-wool Republican. And we know that Hitler liked Wagner, and that Latvia native Andris Nelsons does too…
I jest, a bit of gallows humor in a time of crisis unseen since the run-up to the Civil War. Won’t it be good to turn things around, to put America headed toward the proper direction – there’s hope yet for America, isn’t there?