Schadenfreude sucks – but the tempest surrounding the chump with the tallow-toned dome, which is im-fucking-possible not to write about, has resulted in getting a poem published; to wit, Indolent Books accepted The Outer Borough Colonel, Old Bone Spur as their Feb. 12, 2018 entry in the What Rough Beast series.
The Outer Borough Colonel, Old Bone Spur
Having ordered a parade of his own,
Trump is transformed
from Putin’s Puppet,
to Kim’s Clone.
Now, we wonder …
Will he ask bids
for a new pyramid,
or coldly evict, then
re-brand Grant’s Tomb?
He spoils even schadenfreude
I’ll post this ditty here, even though that’ll render it untouchable by most other publications.
He spoils even schadenfreude,
the balm we measure in scant small doses.
His corrupt domain makes it gush from fire hoses.
an ostrich plume in my tattered beret
That breaks a two year streak of “just missing the mark,” wherein some forty or fifty poems got returned to sender! I shall accept this as an ostrich plume in my tattered beret, now, and stop whining about the dull process of threading the publication-needle.